5 Signs that You Are In A Real Relationship

5 Signs Of A Real Relationship

These are 5 signs that shows you are in a real relationship:

1. COMMITMENT: this does not means the absence of fear but the mastery of it.

If you have understood his/her basic nature, the total internal reflection. Then being committed will be easier and the relationship will become real to you.

2. HOW LONG DISPUTE LAST: this one tells you if he/she is a Go or No Go area.

When there is misunderstanding, as there may be, how long does the dispute last before its settled.

If dispute last more than a day, its a sign the relationship is not yet real to both parties.

Can you sit and think through your relationship to see how you have actually handle misunderstanding and dispute in time past?

3. INTENTIONS, MOTIF: are you the only man/woman in his life? The answer says it all if the relationship is real or not. Is he/she requesting for sex as a sign of proving your love for him/her? The relationship might not be real.

4. SECRET DATE? Are you told to keep it secrete? It is the opposite of real relationship. Like a real and virtual images, both are not compatible. If you are told to keep it secret, why, excerpt you are looking for a virtual relationship.

Am not saying everyone have to know, or that parents have to know immediately, but is there a real intention or plan of making it open sooner or latter? That's real business.

My eight years experience in human relationship has been poured into researching the unparalleled information in this book that you will never see anywhere else.

5. KNOW YOURSELF: Have you really examined yourself? If the answer to this question bellow is "I don't know" then the relationship is virtual, which are:

Are you convinced he or she deserves your respect, obedience, love and or subjection both in public? 
Can you be proud to point to him/her in public and say 'this is my wife or husband to be?


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