3 Things That Make A Relationship Last
First Thing You Should Do For The Sake of Love
Though this may seems to be"nonsense" to you but in every nonsense there happens to be the word "sense".
Let me share with you three things you should be doing to ignite the spark of enduring love, stronger bond and affection in your relationship and marriage.
Even if you think these are "nonsense", as I said already, in every such nonsense, there happen to be "sense".
Am sorry to say that you already may have heard or known this things. But am also sorry to say that till now you may yet have not started to apply them that is why you complain of no improvement in your marriage or relationship.
They are:
They are:
1. Let Your Lover Regularly Hear How Much You Love
Always tell your mate that you love him/her. Learn to open your mouth and then look him/her in the eyes and say 'I love you so very much' (plus his/her pet name) Always do this ans seee
Let your partner hear it always.
This principle, as simple, nonsense and old school it may seems, works like magic in any relationship and marriage.
I know this because it's working for me and other people who have make it an aim to do it sincerely.
I know this because it's working for me and other people who have make it an aim to do it sincerely.
Try this now:
Don't read farther
Don't read farther
Right now get up wherever you are and walk to your partner and radicalize the nonsense right away while this page you are reading is left open...
He/She isn't around?
No problem....
Pick up your cell phone and do it right now. Yes, Go On. Do it right away, I mean Now!!!
Even if you are having any issue with your partner, still do it right now! You both have been having an issue and keeping malice for a while?
Still go ahead and do it right now!
Be Sincere And Hearty
Don't flatter your mate at this time. Instead be hearty in your affirmation. Let him/her sense the sincerity of your word. If not, you have just done more harm than good.
Surprise, Surprise!
That is why some who have tried this before still have not seen their marriage or relationship getting stronger and a reason they may say it's nonsense.
A CATCH....!!!
Let me tell you little small secret that your mate will not tell you: he or she knows when you are hearty and sincere and when you just flatter.
Therefore, this is not a time to flatter your mate, but say it let her sense that you really meant it.
Did You Know?
By being the first to always tell your mate how much you love her, he/she have no option than to reciprocate.
Start it today and thank me latter.
Bellow is the second working idea some may still view as I called it -nonsense
"The Common-sense Psychology of influencing people for good" discover how to change that difficult person to become a better person.
I have poured my eight years experience and research on this book and it is already proving invaluable to many people
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2. Regularly Communicate with Your Lover
I should have put this as point #1. But all the same, since you are not
expected to do one and leave the other. It does not really matter the
one you do first, in fact, to get the best result, do it all at once. Because It is when you communicate that you will have the room to always practice the point #1.
I have found regular communication as the only antidote to stop strain and shipwreck in a relationship. The
part regular communications plays in strengthening the bond of love,
feelings and affection between the opposite sex cannot be
I am off course speaking from experience. In fact, all what am saying are all out of experience.
For example,
For example,
created humans and communicated with them directly. And even after the fall of man, he still find a way to keep himself close to man and that is why
religious groups have holy books.
It is the same in relationship and marriage. This is a secret: If
you want to keep a man or woman by your side, communicate with the
person many times per day (I advise calling or texting three or more times per day) no
matter how distanced he or she may be.
Distance Does Not Affect Love When There Is Regular Communication
you don't communicate with that special person often per day, whether
he is far away or next door, the space for you in his/her heart will be
occupied by someone else who do. If
you don't communicate with your lover or spouse often times per day,
the bond of love and closeness will be weakened and become superficial.
But with regular communication, distance cannot affect love, at least for a long time. However, it is more advisable that spouse not separate too long from each other because of work or anything else.
In fact, regular communication is the root of enduring relationship.
Practical Time
you are in a relationship already or if you are married, call your
friend or spouse at least three times daily during the days.
you call, ask about his/her well fare and how things are going. Crack
jokes a bit, call him/her the pet names you use, tell her how much you
love, create anticipation of how you can't wait to be with him/her at
home at the end of the day even if you have been married for so many years, still do this.
Try this for 7 days and see what will happen, then thank me latter.
Get the book:
"The Common-sense Psychology of influencing people for good" discover how to change that difficult person to become a better person.
I have poured my eight years experience and research on this book and it is already proving invaluable to many people.
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you want to know more about the role communication plays in
relationship and how to acquire the skill if you think you don't have
it, click here.
Third Thing you need to do to make your relationship last
If you have read the previous part, by now you are likely anxious to know what the remaining so-called things are, isn't it?
Here is it:
Yes, learn how to quickly say the word I am sorry. You may be surprised at the result you will get if you make it your aim to apologize whenever you sense you have offended your partner.
You can almost always solve all problems in your relationship and marriage if you make it your aim to quickly say I am sorry.
Another thing is this, do not apologize only when you are the offender, even when you are the offendee, also apologize.
Do you understand what I mean?
This is what I mean; if you offend your lover, wife/husband, quickly say "I am sorry". If he/she is the one that offended you, still be the one to quickly go say I am sorry.
Here is it:
3. Always Sincerely Say 'I am sorry'
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By saying I am sorry, you break the hardest of bone. You feed your lovers ego |
Yes, learn how to quickly say the word I am sorry. You may be surprised at the result you will get if you make it your aim to apologize whenever you sense you have offended your partner.
You can almost always solve all problems in your relationship and marriage if you make it your aim to quickly say I am sorry.
Another thing is this, do not apologize only when you are the offender, even when you are the offendee, also apologize.
Do you understand what I mean?
This is what I mean; if you offend your lover, wife/husband, quickly say "I am sorry". If he/she is the one that offended you, still be the one to quickly go say I am sorry.
Let me warn you.
Like I warned you to be sincere when telling your partner how much you love, which I mentioned in point one, am warning again that at this point too you have to be sincere.
Like I warned you to be sincere when telling your partner how much you love, which I mentioned in point one, am warning again that at this point too you have to be sincere.
are some people, if they say I am sorry, their body language tells you
really they aren't sorry, though they may say it by mouth. Be careful!
The best way to say I am sorry is by sitting down with your lover and sincerely letting him/her hear those words. Give a gift if possible. Really be sorry and mean it.
I have found that being genuinely sorry touches the inner person and soften the heart immediately. By sincerely saying how sorry you are, you break the hardest of bone and crack the hardest of nots.
The best way to say I am sorry is by sitting down with your lover and sincerely letting him/her hear those words. Give a gift if possible. Really be sorry and mean it.
I have found that being genuinely sorry touches the inner person and soften the heart immediately. By sincerely saying how sorry you are, you break the hardest of bone and crack the hardest of nots.
saying I am sorry, you feed your partner's ego which is opposite of
telling him/her how wrong he/she is. If you do that, you can never win
your partner's heart.
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When you be the first to apologize, you feed your lovers ego and he/she will love you the more |
Never ever say to your partner 'you are wrong and I am right' instead sincerely apologize.
Let me tell you a little secret.
I am sorry even when I am the one offended, is my secret weapon to
winning over my friends to my side and maintaining good relationship,
especially when it is the opposite sex. I believe you understand what I
mean right?
Don't be scared to befriend a person who is hurt tempered or hard if you love him/her.nWhenever he flares up, sincerely say I am sorry. Let it show in your face and come from your heart that you are truly sorry, That will do.
it today. Start saying I am sorry to especially that special person. Be
hearty and sincere, then thank me latter for the result you see.
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"The Common-sense Psychology of influencing people for good" discover how to change that difficult person to become a better person.
I have poured my eight years experience and research on this book and it is already proving invaluable to many people
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