5 Reasons Why Most Men May not Like to Marry a Woman Older than they Are
Question for Women;
Can You Marry A Man Younger Than You Are?
Men and women alike share in this fear
Can You Marry A Man Younger Than You Are?
Please make use of the comment box at the end of this page. And if there are more reasons you have please state them as I will publish them if found useful.
I have been ask over and over again by my many readers if it is advisable for a man to get married to a woman older than he is, or a woman to get married to a man younger than she is, and my answer have always remained the same.
In fact, some have been so bold to ask me if I personally can get married to a girl if she is older than I am, and my answer have always remained the same!
Before you answer this question, take a look at what some men and women has to say, as their concern.
These are among other things I can remember some men give as reasons they fear getting married to a woman older than they are. As follows.
Unfortunately, these are also reasons why some women themselves fear marrying a man younger than they are.
1. Early Aging
This fear is based on the fact that women age quickly than men. Some women says its because they are the 'receiving ends' and though that may be true. Still there is more reason to why some fear.
It is not just because the woman may age before them. There is something they are actually scared of, the same thing women are scared of when it comes to getting married to a man younger than they are.
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Some men believe that they supposed to age before the woman. |
It is not just because the woman may age before them. There is something they are actually scared of, the same thing women are scared of when it comes to getting married to a man younger than they are.
What is it?
That is the second reason.
That is the second reason.
2. Flirting With Other Women
Some men have really say to me that its not just aging they are concern of. Myself believe in the adage that says "age as they say is just a number". After all, men too age as time passes and some times, men even get older before their older wife.

Men and women alike share in this fear
What then is really their main fear?
Their fear is just as the second subtitle above says; flirting with other women. They are really saying;
'what if the woman get older and is no longer beautiful in their eyes and active sexually and they resort to looking outside and flirting with other younger women of more beauty and sexual capacity'.
'what if the woman get older and is no longer beautiful in their eyes and active sexually and they resort to looking outside and flirting with other younger women of more beauty and sexual capacity'.
Sadly, this have been the case in many marriages.
But let me tell you right away that this happens not only in a case were a man marries a woman he is younger than but even when the man is older or they are age mate. In any case, it can happens.
This is also the fear of some women and reason why they may not want to marry a man younger than they are. I say, this fear is unwarranted if the man fears God, and truly loves the woman.
But let me tell you right away that this happens not only in a case were a man marries a woman he is younger than but even when the man is older or they are age mate. In any case, it can happens.
This is also the fear of some women and reason why they may not want to marry a man younger than they are. I say, this fear is unwarranted if the man fears God, and truly loves the woman.
For women I say; a man who does not flirt before he gets married to you will not resort to flirting even if you look older than he is or cannot perform sexually as you used to. Because he feared God when he has not married you. Though knowing you are older than him, he loved you and you loved him as well.
He still will fear God after you get married to him, and even your aging should not limit his fear of God.
Looking bellow, you can see there are still three other more serious concerns to some men than the two already discourses. I will help you sort it out on a separate page.
You are man or woman you need to consider whether these things are really genuine hindrance.
He still will fear God after you get married to him, and even your aging should not limit his fear of God.
After looking through this issue, some have come to realize that the two above reasons are truly not a hindrance at all if the man and the woman love for each other is based on the fear of God.
Looking bellow, you can see there are still three other more serious concerns to some men than the two already discourses. I will help you sort it out on a separate page.
You are man or woman you need to consider whether these things are really genuine hindrance.
This is the third reason some men give why they may not want to marry a girl who is older than they are though loved.
These are also reasons why some women may not like to marry a man younger than they are though loved. If you are just joining this topic now in this series, please read the first and the second reasons if you are just joining me on this page.
After considering the first and second reasons, you have really come to see that they present no real challenge for men to be scared of.
I don't know about you.
But what about the third, fourth and fifth reasons which are as follows:
These are also reasons why some women may not like to marry a man younger than they are though loved. If you are just joining this topic now in this series, please read the first and the second reasons if you are just joining me on this page.
After considering the first and second reasons, you have really come to see that they present no real challenge for men to be scared of.
I don't know about you.
But what about the third, fourth and fifth reasons which are as follows:
Get this book: the Common-sense Psychology of influencing People For Good.
My eight years experience in human relationship has been poured into researching the unparalleled information in this book that you will never see anywhere else.
My eight years experience in human relationship has been poured into researching the unparalleled information in this book that you will never see anywhere else.
3. Care-Taker During Old Age
The argument is on who's responsibility is it to take care of whom at old age?
The man or the woman?
The man or the woman?
Some men
as we have already said in the first series of this article
fear that if they get married to a woman they are younger than,
the woman may get older before them.
Then comes the third concern!
'Who will take care of me at old age?' Since the woman who should to do so is already old and needs the man to care for her instead.
'Who will take care of me at old age?' Since the woman who should to do so is already old and needs the man to care for her instead.
Is this the reason why you are scared of getting married to that woman you really loved now?
But shouldn't marriage be the effort of two people who loved each other? Should it be one-sided? If you are to take care of her or she is to do so, there is nothing really of concern on who it is to do so since you two are one, and she is your wife and mother of your children.
Sooner or later
though, you two will be needing someone else order than any of
you to care for you both. So what's really the big deal on who should care for whom at old age?
After looking at this concern pointedly, some have come to see that it is really nothing to worry about. Why should you even worry about something you have no control on?
Irrespective of who is younger or older, you will still need each other as you both journey together into that yet unknown tomorrow. So why let that be a concern to you now?
Enjoy with the wife of your youth now and during old age you both should strive to let that love that defiled the "age-quo" continue to unite you in caring for each other till death do you apart.
To me this is no concern at All.
I don't know about you? Will you refuse to marry a woman you love but older than you base on this reason?
Use the comment box bellow
Bellow is the fourth reason in this series article where I discourses the concerns of some men and women on issue of whether or not to get married to a woman or man older or younger than they are respectively.
After looking at this concern pointedly, some have come to see that it is really nothing to worry about. Why should you even worry about something you have no control on?
Irrespective of who is younger or older, you will still need each other as you both journey together into that yet unknown tomorrow. So why let that be a concern to you now?
Enjoy with the wife of your youth now and during old age you both should strive to let that love that defiled the "age-quo" continue to unite you in caring for each other till death do you apart.
To me this is no concern at All.
I don't know about you? Will you refuse to marry a woman you love but older than you base on this reason?
Use the comment box bellow
Bellow is the fourth reason in this series article where I discourses the concerns of some men and women on issue of whether or not to get married to a woman or man older or younger than they are respectively.
in reason I and II of this series, I explained why some men and women
have latter concluded that such reasons are not actually a concern at
in reason III, we saw why thinking about who will take care of whom
during old age is really not a reason to be concern of now if you are a
man and decided to married to a woman you love whom though is older than you.
to some people, the three reasons of concerns already sorted out are little compare to the fourth reason I will now talk
about here, which is one of the greatest concern of some men and women.
Reason Why Some Men And Women May Not Want To Marry A Person They Love
Who Is Older Or Younger respectively Than They Are;
4. Criticism From Family And Friends
I believe this will really present a challenge. No one likes to be
criticized let alone when it comes from well-meaning people. But I don't
think this is enough reason not to marry whom you love, or don't you
think so_?
The truth is that sometimes when it comes to one's choice of mate, one may get criticized also for other reasons.
For example.
may also be criticized if the man or woman of his choice is not
educated, did not come from a well to do family, not from one's tribe or
language, and many other reasons. As you can see, if you come to
criticism, there are whole lots an lots of reasons apart from your mate
age in relation to yours.
Many at times will put a deaf ear to all the criticism and still get married to that very special person because of love.
Why not do the same?
What will you do? Can you marry a man younger or woman older than you if your family and friend is criticizing you?
In previous part of this articles, namely, while talking about the number 1-4 concerns of men when it comes to whether they should or should not get married to a woman older than they are,which I said is also one of the concern of women when it comes to marrying a man younger than they are, I listed they following concerns:
1. Early Aging
2. Flirting with Other Women
3. Care Taker During Old Age
4. Criticism From Family and Friends
Read the points one after the other to find out if this concerns are really valid reasons, and whether they pose and danger to you when you did chose to marry the person you love though older than you as a man or younger than you the woman.
Bellow is the 5th and the final point I listed why some men may be concern of when it comes to marrying a woman older than they are.
Why not do the same?
Wisdom is proved righteous by its result.
What really matters is the love you have for each other. And as long as that love continues, in no time at all all critics will be short-up.
What will you do? Can you marry a man younger or woman older than you if your family and friend is criticizing you?
In previous part of this articles, namely, while talking about the number 1-4 concerns of men when it comes to whether they should or should not get married to a woman older than they are,which I said is also one of the concern of women when it comes to marrying a man younger than they are, I listed they following concerns:
1. Early Aging
2. Flirting with Other Women
3. Care Taker During Old Age
4. Criticism From Family and Friends
Read the points one after the other to find out if this concerns are really valid reasons, and whether they pose and danger to you when you did chose to marry the person you love though older than you as a man or younger than you the woman.
Bellow is the 5th and the final point I listed why some men may be concern of when it comes to marrying a woman older than they are.
5. Lack Of Respect And, The Usurp Of Man's Headship
Some men may feel awkward. They may feel that since the woman is older than they are, the respect may no longer be there tomorrow. They may feel that the woman may tomorrow demand of their respect instead of respect him, on bases of who is older.
The respect I mean here goes beyond just respect but I mean the man's headship.
Whatever a man is thinking in his heart, so it is.
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It all boils down to love for each other and the fear of God |
If at all you as a man feel this way toward that woman, then you may as well refrain from proceeding in the relationship. Because even when there will have been no such thing, your feelings and thinking of such issue could as well gravitate or attract such issue into your family life. Then the fault is yours not hers.
I have always said in the previous articles about the man's fear of God before getting married to the woman,
which should prevent him from flirting with other woman on the reason
that he is younger than his wife, now I always want to say
this to the man.
A woman who feared God before she gets married to
you will also fear God after getting married to you. So she will not attempt to usurp the man's headship in whatever reason.
Also the issue of lack of respect is not just common when
a man marries
a woman he is younger to but happens even when the man is older to the woman. It
all boils than to love for each other and fear of God.
Let Us Hear From You...
Let Us Hear From You...
Will you refuse to marry a woman you love but who is older than you base on your feelings about taking over your headship in future?
Use the comment box bellow let us hear from you.
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