Are YOU In Love Or In Love In Crucible?
Are You In Love In Crucible?
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Love in crucible. |
You are in love in crucible!
That is a new meaningful adage of the 21st century love!
How meaningful though is this adage? And what does it mean for you and I?
These and many other questions will be answered soon, as there will be no doubt how meaningful and helpful knowing this new adage will be for you.
If I may ask:
Are you in love as someone like me may be, or are you among those plunged in love in crucible?
This simple question might seem thought provoking as it actually is. You may wonder what this could mean, where am heading to.
If you want to know, I advise you stick to this page and read till end. After you are done reading through, you will answer that question yourself.
Whether young or old, this topic could reach your heart and bring the best out of you.
However, it will be very helpful if we learn a little bit of what CRUCIBLE is and why the title of this article involves crucible, and how well fitting it is to the topic of 'love in the 21st century'.
Among the things discoursed in this article includes:
What crucible is
The benefits of likening love portrays in the entertainment industries to crucible.
The moral dangers of the crucible love to both young, old and the society.
Why you should be able to identify the type of personality you or your young ones or those around are certain to develop just by knowing the kind of movie or song they love.
Contrast between real love and love portrays in the confluence of entertainment [important: these contrasts will enable you to see when love is real and when it is not] and last but not the list is:
Raising above the crucible before 1000yrs.
What Is Crucible?
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A heated crucible; pictures the intense influence of the love portrays in entertainment |
Do you wonder what crucible is and why it forms the basic part of this article about love? You need not border your brain, as we will be learning everything about this just few paragraphs from now.
Without doubt, a crucible in itself has various meanings and definitions, depending on area or angle it is considered.
Varying from a "ceramic container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to a very high temperature, to a vessel made of graphite used for melting and calning materials in laboratory".
You may wonder how this concern you, just some few reading down the page, you will be finding out!
Definitions Of Crucible That Affects Us All
In view of the topic and the important of it, we will take a look at the derived meanings of crucible as it well fit into the topic of love in this 21st century.
Below are the derived definitions of crucible, as it could concern us and relates to the topic at hand.
Crucible; a severe trial or text
Crucible; a place, time, or situation
characterised by the confluence of powerful, intellectual, social, economic, religious or political forces.
Crucible; a severe text as of patience and belief.
Crucible; a text of most decisive kind
Crucible; a criterion or bases for verifucation
Why though does crucible completely fits into the above derived meanings? Simply because of the work it does.
A crucible can be subjected to a very high temperature or heat. And heat in turn, might symbolically represent test, trial, persecution or personal desires which may present a severe challenge.
Or the world in itself, with it deformed ways of doing things and view of things might serve as a testing ground-a crucible for anyone.
In view of this, have you noticed that love songs, movies and books presents one of the growing and severe test of one's ability to view and demonstration love in the right way in this our 21st century?
Put together, this powerful entertainment world is shaping life today and carving it way into the way most people view, think and practice love today, especially youth.
There are qualities in we youth that are being put to the trial by love, as portrays in love song, movies and books today.
The worst is that the way it is being presented in this 21st era is so treacherous that it requires an additional effort to convince people to the moral danger of taking in all what is offered by the confluence of entertainment.
Bellow I exposed how the crucible love is affecting you even now.
And if you are not yet affected, stick around because you cannot escape it unless you be informed now.
Crucible. A Test Of The Most Decisive Kind
Already I have thought you what Crucible is and how it fits into the love portrays by the entertainment industries today.The fire is on and more intense in 21st century as love song and movies keep deceiving us |
We take a look at the derived definitions one by one to really expose how love in this confluence of entertainment is really affecting us all.
Love as portrays by the entertainment industries, is a test of the most decisive kind for both young ones and adults alike.
That is, it is a test of one's ability to make the right decisions.
The crucible temperature is so heated in this 21st century like never before and so intense that it has succeeded!
It has blurred the way people view love and the manner of decision-making of the greater number of people, of what love originally is and should be.
It is so powerful, so influential that it has affected the decisions, culture, economic, political and even religious thinking of the greater number of people, irrespective of how well known, educated or wealthy they may be.
This is true, when we take a look at the second derived meaning of crucible listed in part I of this series. That is;
Crucible. "a place, time or situation characterized by confluence of powerful, intellectual, economic, religious or political forces"
The ability of many of us to differentiate and resist the idea or type of love portrays in the confluence of entertainment have been greatly affected to the degree that we now view love in real life as the same to that always portrayed in love song and movies.
People now does, view and practice things thought by this confluence.
Will I be wrong if I say that our view of life, family and money. The staus of wife or husband we want has been greatly influenced or affected by the type of things we see portrayed in movies?
For example; it is a common thing today that many ladies do not want to go into a serious relationship or get married to a man who do not have lots of money and mansion.
This is because they have come to think of life, family living and love life to be the kind of love life portrays in movies which always portrays man and woman living in such mansions with beautiful cars and wealthy living.
The same reason is why many of us men have become materialistic.
Because we want to meet such standards and live the kind of live we always see in movies.
Are you in such crucible of love?
One who is, is one who has allowed what is offered in the entertainment world to influence his action, view of love life and sex.
That is, one who practices the teachings of the confluence of entertainment industry.
Crucible. A Test As Of Patience And Believe
One's believes goes hand in hand with his or her religious affiliate or faith.
Almost all major religions of the world will agree that sex before marriage is wrong, and even those who have no religion will also agree.
To those who are religious when it comes to the issue of morality, and that's a belief isn't it?
However, many love song, movie and books are directly in opposition to this belief, and it takes a person who is decisive-that is if the decision-making had not been affected-to repudiate this test of one's belief imposed by the entertainment world and to morally uphold the right standards of love and of sex. Isn’t it a test indeed!?
Patience involves ability and time. It is one's ability to let time pass as he/she waits or anticipate something, or do you not agree? Thus, it involves more of self-control.
The major religions of the world agree on this basic thing about live.
Namely, that sexual relation is meant for only married couples. But love as often portrays in the entertainment world want us to believe that there is no friendship without sex, and there is no love without sex.
By accepting this flawed teaching, many of us both young and old alike, can no longer exercise patience and wait till when married, because we now agree that there is no love without sex, the belief? Love is sex and sex is love".
Therefore, it can be said that one’s patience till marriage is being put on trial or test by the crafty teachings of the confluence of the entertainment industries, namely, love song and movies, what a crucible!
Crucible. A Criterion Or Bases For Verification
A proverb says: "by his practices a boy makes himself recognized as to his activities, if they are pure and upright or not". And yet another one says: "people recognize you by what you do". How true are these proverbs in regard to whom you are, your identity?
Love as portrays in love song and movies or even some books, have influenced so many people in this our 21st century into wrong doing and against their religious upbringing and believes young ones and adults alike.
In today's world, premarital sexual intercourse or fornication is less considered as wrong, and all are affected.
The idea presented in love song and movies is serving as one of the most influential means of misdirecting, misinforming, and deceiving people world over into moral breakdown in son societies around the world.
This has lead to high and sharp increase in sexual bullying and harassment among young ones around the world, Sexual promiscuity among couples, increase in lesbianism, homosexuality and many forms of immoral conduct.
For example
“According to the National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report," 24,923 rape cases were reported across India alone in 2012. While the 5 year average over 2007-2011 was 22,000 rapes a year.
Adjusted for population growth over time, the annual rape rate in India has increased from 1.9 to 2.0 per 100,000 people over 2008-2012 period.
This compares to a report rate of 1.2 per 100,000 in Japan, 3.6 per 100,000 in Morocco, 4.6 rapes per 100,000 in Bahrain, 12.3 per 100,000 Mexico, 24.1 per 100,000 in United Kingdom, 28.6 per 100,000 in United States, 66.5 per 100,000 in Sweden, and world's highest rate of 114.9 rapes per 100,000 in South Africa", what is happening to morals in society?
Worse yet, this teaching of love song, movies and even some romantic books, that is, 'LOVE IS SEX AND SEX IS LOVE' is serving as a means to misdirect and to deceive. It has help to minimize the names of wrong doing, it consequences and effects it might bring in a society, to the point that many now have their own definition of wrong and right.
When their practices did not match their definition of wrong then it is not wrong in their own eye, irrespective of how wrong it is.
If one accepts this idea of love being portrayed in entertainment world, it serves as a criterion or bases for identifying the kind of person one is or at least will want to be.
Can you now understand why I raised this question at the onset?
That is, 'are you among those whom have been plunged in the crucible of love?'
That is, love as being portrayed in the entertainment industries.
To this end however, many may wonder if am saying that all acts of love portrays in the entertainment world in this 21st century has bad influence to the society?
Of course not, however, the majority that goes directly contrary to the proper view of love and sex is, and will continue to be the major temptation that young ones have to face in this 21st century.
Off course, this four letters word, L.O.V.E, is one of, if not the most portrayed word in the entertainment industries around the world, but yet the most misunderstood.
How then do young ones recognize the different between loves as portrays in love song and movies and love as it should be in real life? Few contrasts I think will put the perception of many to order and help to educate them.
I have put together a concrete contrast between love and infatuation. So read and reread it..
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